Sports Card Database
Importing a Sports Card Collection from Excel

If you already use an Excel spreadsheet to organize your sports card collection, this information may assist you by showing exactly how to import your sports card Excel spreadsheet into Sports Card Database.

How Do I Import My Excel File Into Sports Card Database?

  1. Launch Sports Card Database
  2. Select Tools > Import Card Collection from Excel File…
  3. Choose your Excel file in the next window.
  4. Select the Source And Target fields to map your data so that it imports correctly.
    (For more information, please see below)

Don’t worry, if you ever make a mistake and import data that flows incorrectly, you can always just choose Cards > Delete All Cards… and try again. And if you still need more assistance, just Contact me and I’ll do my best to assist you. No worries.

How Do I Select the Correct Mapping When Importing from my Excel Spreadsheet?

I have made a step-by-step video that showing the Importing process from an Excel Spreadsheet. Please see below:


If you need assistance with the data Mapping section specifically, this area can be found at the 4:04 mark of the video above.

Since every collector’s Excel Spreadsheet is different, you’ll just need to map your data fields to the target fields in Sports Card Database. Once again, if you make any mistake, it’s no problem. Just select Cards > Delete All Cards… and start again.